Sunday, 29 September 2013

Best Practice

Is this best practice? Is this the best way to achieve the outcomes? Is there a better way? What can I change to achieve best practice? I am always asking myself questions like these but also asking the students I teach! I rephrase the questions slightly and ask for feedback. I try to prioritise to make the time to recognise and record their thoughts on how they "best" learn. Allowing time for students to express thoughts about their learning also builds their self esteem. Students see that you sincerely value their thoughts and ideas. As an experienced teacher, I know that what has always "worked well" may not be "best practice"next time. I have high expectations for the students I teach so I constantly ask myself, "How can I achieve best practice?"
Enjoy this image I took recently from the burnt out remains of the observatory at Mt Stromlo, ACT.  Only the rounded walls and window frames remain. Devastating fires ravaged Canberra and surrounds in 2003.

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