Saturday, 22 June 2013 for thought!

What is Creativity?

Creativity is the ability to invent or imagine something new. It is the ability to generate new ideas by changing, combining or reapplying existing ideas. Some creative ideas are brilliant, while others are just simple, practical ideas that no one has thought of yet. Often all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity and to take the time to focus on this. Go on.....take some time!

Creativity is also linked to attitude. You need to foster the ability to accept change and newness, to play with ideas and possibilities and have a flexible outlook. Enjoy the moment but wonder at how you can improve things. The creative person realizes that there are other possibilities, like walnut and vegemite sandwiches or fold up gumboots. (speaking of rain!!!!!)

Creative people know that there is always room for improvements and that creativity involves a continual process. Creative people make gradual alterations to refine to their ideas. Creativity involves looking constantly for ways to change, even if only slightly, to improve the outcome.

There are so many applications for education. Working now in Learning and Support, I am constantly weaving the creativity I have acquired through working in the field of visual arts for 9 years, into my current teaching practice.

Endless possibilities......