Friday, 15 March 2013

Australian coastline: make your own collage papers

This activity needs to be done in two stages. First lesson is to make the collage papers to represent the sand, sea, sky, rocks and greenery in the sand dunes. Demonstrate the brush techniques to create textures: broad, smooth for the sky, layered, flowing for the sea, dabbing for the sand, twisting for the rocks and short vertical strokes for the greenery in the sand dunes. Once dry, these can be collaged and assorted mixed media materials added for a wonderful finished artwork. Inexpensive and no need to purchase expensive specialty papers! 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Aboriginal Salt Pan Designs

Inspired by the book "Why I Love Australia" by Bronwyn Bancroft, students can make wonderful designs after viewing her depiction of the Australian inland salt pans. I suggest a pencil sketch first then outlined in permanent marker. Encourage the students to take risks when applying water colour to let the colours mix together to create a unique effect. This book is great to make meaningful links between literature and art. I have used this book in my visual art programs from Kindergarten through to Year 6 with impressive outcomes.